Pasta pasta
Recipe- Love and Lemons
First time making pasta guys!
I loved the process. It was labor-intensive especially kneading the dough, but I felt like a real Italian while doing it. To make pasta you mix flour, egg, salt, and EVOO. That is it. Leave it up to the Italians, well actually it’s the Chinese right? I should look that up.
I think my favorite part of this was rolling the dough in the pasta maker. I really enjoyed watching the dough get thinner and thinner and then longer and longer. I didn’t mean for that to be sexual at all.
After you roll out the dough you can either use another pasta attachment for uniform shapes or cut manually for a rustic look. I went for the rustic look and I am so please with how it came out.
So I won’t be commenting on the taste this post. Ya probably don’t care and neither do it. It’s less work for me.
Random Thoughts-
I’ve been struggling with being creative lately!! It sucks. But after making the pasta I feel more inspired.
I’ve cracked the 1000 follower mark which is cool! I truly don’t think it’s that big of a deal in the long run but I guess I should celebrate the little wins!
Taylor and I are still watching The Wire. It’s 5 seasons and each episode is 1 hour. We are on season 3 episode 3. Calculating the time we have spent watching the show kind of freaks me out. I won’t do the math for you. Anyway, if you are into film/TV or crime you should watch this show. It takes a deep dive into how our legal system works. It also is a beautifully written story. They move from character to character flawlessly.
Did you notice anything different about my photos? VERY MOOOODDDDDYYYYY right? I have no consistency in any of my photos other than doing what I want. I know that’s not what you are supposed to do, but I’m working it out. You have to try everything to know what you like right?
Ok, I’m done. BYE