Blueberry Scones
Recipe by Sally’s Baking Addiction
Happy Monday night! Or happy whatever day it is in your world.
I made blueberry scones Sunday morning. I used a recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction. I'm teaching myself how to bake if you are new to the blog.
There aren't many steps to making these. I made sugar cookies just now, and this was easier than the cookies! I'm surprised too. It looks like it took me a while, huh?
I did run into a few snags. I had an issue forming the dough. It was too dry, so I added more heavy cream then it became too sticky, then I added more flour to balance it out. It obviously worked out, but you will have to play around with the ratio. The next issue was grating the frozen butter. It really wasn’t an issue, it just hurt my arm. Talk about a workout.
These things were freaking delicious. The texture was pretty good. Not super crumbly or too soft. Which reminds me, Have you seen the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode when Larry opens up a spite coffee shop because Mocha Joe served lukewarm coffee and wouldn't admit it? Larry also goes on a quest to find a specific baker that use to make the perfect scone. There is a lot more about scones in this episode that I don't want to give away, so watch the show.
I might have overcooked the scones a bit. I'm still figuring out my oven. I think it's about 20 degrees lower than it should be. I have a thermometer in the oven to read the actual temperature. I need to figure out how to manipulate the time on the keypad thing. THUS far, if the recipe calls for 375, I put the oven at 400, and it seems close. Oh! I also want to add more blueberries next time I make these.
I tried to get fancy and make frosting for the scones. The frosting was thick. I'm not well versed in "frosting," but take a look below:
Not sure how I feel about the way this looks…
Random Thoughts-
I'm finding that making mainly cookies is problematic. I have SO many cookies. I can't keep them in the house or I will eat all of them. SOOOOOO I think instead of doing a "Freestyle" day- which is baking something other than a cookie-, I'll bake what I want.
Watch the Blue Monday video. It's four white people not moving on a stage ‘playing” instruments. Wait, let me back up, they do move but only their upper bodies. It's great.
I've seen 666 three times today and then found a million-dollar bill tucked in the credit card slot at a gas station. Please help me decode this message.
I’m missing Anthony Bourdain today. I had a dream about him last night. I wish he was still here to take us away from the shit show world we are living in.