Recipe by- The Taste and Tell Blog
I MADE A PIZZA! A pepperoni and “margarita” pizza to be exact. Check out how it went below!
Ciao wannabe Italiano's-
"Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening, pizza at suppertime." Name that jingle
It’s the Bagel Bite commercial. If you didn’t know that I don’t know if you love pizza.
I was VERY nervous about making the dough. You hear horror stories of bakes not rising, the yeast dying because the water is too hot, the yeast is old and doesn't bubble, and you have to start all over again. In a split second, your fun project has turned into you hating yourself because you aren't good enough to use this living bacterial that only becomes alive when you add water? I think I might be projecting my yeast insecurities on you—Gross & sorry.
The process ended up being so freaking easy. Water, sugar, yeast- let the yeast bubble add the flour & salt mixture= Dough. I scored some bread flour about 10 minutes before- my friend Sarah did a drive-by flouring- I think bread flour makes a difference? I haven't tried it with AP, so I can't say for sure. I let the dough rise for 1 hour, and it was freaking beautiful. It had a smooth and light sticky texture and easy to handle.
Most recipes call for a pizza stone and a pizza paddle, I didn't' have either, so I adapted. I put a baking sheet in the oven upside down for the pizza stone and rolled the dough on parchment paper and transferred it to the baking sheet in the oven instead of using a paddle. It made the process a lot easier!
When the pizza came out of the oven, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so pretty, shiny from the pepperoni oil, the crust had bubbled, and the perfectly melted cheese, insert hand moving towards lips and kissing your fingers like an Italian emoji. Did that make sense?
The pizza and dough were delicious! I wish I had a pizza stone to get a crisp dough, but I think the combination of the parchment paper on top of the hot baking sheet did the job! The dough was a little sweet. I wonder if that's how it's supposed to taste or if I added too much sugar?
I didn't make my own sauce. I used leftover Rao's Marinara. Have you had Rao's? If not, go to Costco and get the two-pack now. I fucking lovvvvve it. It's the best red sauce in the world. Better than my mom's and my nana's. I also want to eat there one day. The restaurant is in NYC, and someone needs to know someone that knows someone to get a table. I'll get there someday!!
Random Thoughts-
I think I’ll do one yeast bake and one sweet bake a week. Next week I’ll do some chocolate chewy cookies and cinnamon rolls.
Taco Bell’s Cheese Gordita Crunch is fucking delicious. Sorry not sorry.
It’s Friday and feels like Saturday.
Name this tune:
Give me pizza
Give me PIZZA
Did I happen to say?
I want PIZZA
This version is the best. It’s terrifying and you don’t have to watch for too long until they HIT THAT PIZZA CHORUS