Recipe- Molly Yeh
I love Molly Yeh. Like love her. I want to be her. Stalker much? She actually liked my story on Instagram which is VERY exciting!
Process- You have to chill the dough for awhile. That’s the only difficult part- waiting. For the dough it’s literally cream cheese, flour, sugar, salt, cold butter, egg yoke and I believe vanilla. Ok writing it out, it seems like a lot but I swear it’s not. After you mix the dough you refrigerate it up to a day or so. I chilled mine overnight and it turned out great! After the first chill you roll out the dough into a square. I still can’t do it. I always end up cutting some of the dough off the edeges to make it look clean. I’ll get there one day. You then melt the chocolate spread on the so called square and then roll it into a log. You then chill for another hour. Once the second chill is done you brush egg wash on the top sprinkle with sprinkles and sea salt. (I didn’t have sea salt and I wish I did. I know these would have tasted so much better.) After you do that you cut into 1.5 inch logs and then bake!
Taste- These are very sweet which I sort of love! I have been making very sweet bakes lately and I’m getting tired of it. So I baked these at 350 for 26 minutes for a little but of a soft interior like Molly’s mom. The outside is crunchy and the inside is so doughy. You can definitely taste the cream cheese in the dough and the melted chocolate inside pairs perfectly together.
Random Thoughts- I will make these again but savory. I fucking love them. Thinking goat cheese and caramelized onion? I don’t know if the goat cheese will stay in them but I don’t care. I’m going to try. Or maybe cheddar and jalapeno?? Who knows!
So I’ve been exhausted lately. I had to take a break. I took like a 3 day break from social media. It’s funny how exciting it can be and then how horrible it can make you feel. It’s just over stimulation and losing touch with the real world. I now like to sit in my living room without the tv on for at least an hour a day. Just staring at nothing. It’s nice
I’ve also chosen to not do a cookie box. Again, I am exhausted.
Some exciting news! I bought new lighting equpiment! Sort of a studio set up. I am tired of inconsistent lighting man. It’s hard to keep everything consistent and you only have a certain amount of time in the day to take photos. I’m hoping it helps!
Ok that’s all for now!