Recipe- America’s Test Kitchen
The perfect cookie
Kaixo guztiei, (Basque)
Snickerdoodle cookies remind me of being a kid. I think because my mom liked them. She still loves them to this day, but I'm not sure I am a fan. I don’t think I’ll ever crave a snickerdoodle. Sorry if I’ve offended anyone.
These were pretty easy to make. You mix the dry ingredients and then mix the wet in a stand mixer. The recipe calls for veggie shorting, and while it gives the wet mix a beautiful cream color, the smell sucked. I want to smell vanilla, butter, or chocolate when I'm making cookies! I did love the texture of the dough. It felt like Floam without the beads. Do you remember Floam? It was the brother of Gak, both made by Nickelodeon. It was light and airy. It almost felt like it could bounce if you threw it on the floor.
Side note- I always have more cookies than the recipe yields. I do guess on the 2tbs measurement…
The taste was great! If you like snickerdoodles. I am using Morton's kosher salt, and it's not the small granules, so I'm finding that I get a little chunk of salt from time to time when I take a bite.
I think people will enjoy these bad boys. It's hard not eating all of the cookies you make. I only eat 1-2 from each batch to see how they turned out, but I want to eat all of them and then take a nap.
Random Thoughts-
One of the first cool 90s songs I liked was Buddy Holly by Weezer. It reminds me of being a kid, so do snickerdoodles and so does Floam! Look at me, bringing it back to the beginning, LITERALLY. - Chris Traeger
I've been working out like crazy. I went on a short hike the other day in Carmel Valley. It was beautiful and uphill. I loved it, but I think I might have gotten some poison oak on my wrist. I'm not sure, it itched yesterday, but it's not itching today. Let's hope it's not because Taylor is allergic to it.
I'm getting to the end of the classic cookie part of The perfect cookie. I am going to make Lemon sour cream cookies and then move on to bars!!! Millionaire Shortbread's will be the first on the list. I saw them prepared for the first time on GBBO. OMG, I have been wanting to make them for the past two years, but haven't had the balls too. I'm making them next week so keep an eye out!