Peach galette
Recipe- Fork Knife Swoon
Helllloooo Mrs. Doubtfire voice
I made a Peach Galette!!
I was so nervous about making the dough. It’s intimidating! I’ve read, “Don’t work it too much” or “don’t let your hands melt the frozen butter.” I worked quick when rolling it into a disk. But the process wasn’t hard, and I don’t’ have a food processor. Usually, you would put the flour and butter in a food processor and mix until it the dough is the size of peas. I used a pastry cutter and cut in the butter by hand. After you cut the butter into the dough (I’m not sure I’m explaining myself correctly here, but I think you get it), you wrap the dough in plastic wrap and then put it in the refrigerator for an hour or longer if needed. Again really not an extreme process at all.
Rolling out the dough was easy too. Just roll from the middle out and try to make the thickness of it even. I made sure there was a little flour on the surface because it did get sticky.
I made the peach mixture first and then rolled out the dough- FYI - I wanted the peaches to sit in the mix for a bit. After I rolled out the dough to 12 inches, I started spooning the peaches on. Ok, this wasn’t easy for me. I tried to fan the peaches from the middle out, and it didn’t look right. After I had made it, I had a dream to set the peaches on the dough from the outside in! Soooo I think the next time I make this or something like it I’ll try that route.
This thing was delicious. The dough was crispy on the edges and had the perfect amount of sweetness. The peaches… WOW! I bought a flat of them at TJ’s- Trader Joe’s- They sat on my counter for a week, and I felt them every day to see when they were ready. UGH, man there is nothing better than a ripe peach. However, I have to admit- the outside texture of peaches sort of freaks me out. It has a sandpaper-like texture to it. Is that weird? I eat them because the flavor is so freaking good, though.
The mixture of the slightly savory dough and the sweet peaches was out of this world. I’m not sure if this is a thing, but I ate it like a pizza. It’s sturdy enough just to pick up and eat! I can’t wait to try this recipe with other fruit!
Random Thoughts-
I don’t like summer. I know… I’m a fall and spring girl- BUT since I’ve been baking, I don’t want summer to end. I want all the fruit all the time!
I bought props at Home Goods yesterday. Everything is so cheap there, but you have to sort through a lot of bullshit and have to deal with old ladies walking the wrong way down the aisle. Oh, wait, that was me. Home goods has the directional arrows on the ground, and I wasn’t paying attention. Some lady was very irritated that I was walking down the aisle the wrong way. I guess it comes with the territory. Also, why the hell are the price tags so sticky? I had to soak everything warm water to get the tags off.
New thought- I think I’m going to make a three-course meal every week and try to base it off of a theme or country. This Friday, Taylor’s brother and wife are coming over for an outdoor social distanced dinner, and I’m making pizza again! Pizza Friday? I think this will allow me to transition into dishes and not just baking. It’s started to get expensive, and it’s a lot of sweets. I also want to start writing my own recipes. I know how to cook, so I think this might be a smooth transition into writing original recipes. I also might tap into Taylor’s mom’s recipe box. She was such a good cook, and I think he would love it!
Sprinkles- I’m obsessed with the look of sprinkles. I love all of them. I ordered some from this boutique sprinkle company, and they were supposed to arrive today, and I still haven’t got them!!!!!! All I want are sprinkles. I have so many bakes that need sprinkles on them. I’m going to bath in them one day. Watch.
Photo backdrops- Taylor helped me set up my photo backdrops!! So I found some online that were 2x2 and $77. I wasn't going to pay that, I thought about it, but I didn't do it. Instead, I ordered vinyl backdrops from an Etsy store, went to home depot and had them cut hardboard into 2x2 and 3x2 square. So much cheaper!!! Expect my photos to look different from now on!
PS- I’m still working on my website. Some of the pictures I’m using are VERY large. My apologies. I’m trying to fix it.
Look out for a Pinterest page too!