The First Bake

The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe by America’s Test Kitchen- The perfect cookie cookbook

The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie

Recipe by America’s Test Kitchen- The perfect cookie cookbook

Hey you! You with the face. I'm not sure what movie or show that is from, but I say it a lot.

It's 6:13 pm PST and it's been a beautifully gloomy day. Foggy days remind me of fall/winter, which reminds me of my birthday -October 24th-, which means the holidays are here. Fog equals comfort in my book.

This is the official first bake for ONE SPRINKLE AT A TIME and it took longer than expected. I was frantically running around the kitchen getting the ingredients prepped and measured. I would forget where I put the baking soda then find it, then I started to question my math skills and had to google how to use a scale. I think it's beginners jitters. Is that a thing?

Side note: you will find out very quickly I make up words and phrases. It's how I live my life, sorry.

Because it took me longer than expected, I started to think about new photographers and bakers. I am a new baker, but I know the basics of photography, which means I have about 40% of the processed covered. I commend food bloggers. This shit is not easy, and it's time-consuming.

Now for the cookies-
The cookies turned out great, I may or may not have burned the bottom of them, but it did add texture… Can you see the burned bottom? I don't think it's the first thing you notice. My motto for taking photos is- If you can't see it, it doesn't exist. It's worked for me so far.

Taste Testing aka gaining weight-
I worry about gaining a massive amount of weight while doing this- experiment, journey or blog? Let’s go with all of the above.

I have gained 15ish lbs in the past 4 months due to quitting smoking and being unemployed- tear. This is the longest time I haven't smoked and it feels amazing. I do miss my "little soldiers" (Selena Myer- VEEP), but because I quit, I ate everything in sight.

So how am I going to dodge gaining another 15? To quote the great Red Hot Chili Peppers- Give the cookies away, give the cookies away, give the cookies away now. To all of my family & friends, you’re welcome.

-Jaymie Lee Moore


Oatmeal & Dried Cherry Cookies


“It’s All Happening”